Thursday 24 January 2013

The Last Tycoon

Action: 3/5, chinese film

well..after so long i did not update this blog.a lot of things happened last year n sebab tu xsempat nak menaip..

aku watched the last tycoon last 2 weeks kot.its a chinese film n aku watch cter ni sbb chow yun fat berlakon..dah lama gler xtgk dia berlakon..huhu..last movie yg aku tgk dia berlakon dlm pirates of the carribean kot

cter ni berlatarbelakangkn 1940-an kat shanghai.dr org muda yg xde apa2 jadi org tua yg famous gler kat shanghai..cane dia jd taiko besaq? sbb dia join group mafia n from there he build up his career in mafia world sampaila boss dia percaya dia abes2 n amek dia jadi org plg kanan

so cter ni jadi tragis bler jepun mai serang shanghai n ada la tali barut jepun yg nak hapuskn taiko mafia coz depa kan bnyk pengikut.time tu polis kn mmg akan keje ngan jepun bila jepun si chow yun fat ni dipaksa jadi mayor kat situ.dia terpaksa jadi mayor eventhough he knew that org mmg akan xsuka sbb jadi tali barut jepun ..actually he agreed sbb he has his own agenda which is utk hapuskn jepun n tali2 barut depa

in this movie pun ada love story coz chow yun fat ada crush on 1 girl time dia muda but the girl xmo kat dia coz ada 1 incident dlm church,ada group lain mai ambush depa n the girl cam trauma la.then she married to a guy whom actually one the tali barut jepun. at the same time, chow yun fat pun kawin ngan one of the girl yg keje kat tmpt dia. she really love him n know that actually chow yun fat love org lain

at the end of the story, diaorg semua plan utk hapuskn jepun n selamatkan kwn2 depa yg dipenjarakn. but as usual not everybody of his close friend died.chow yun fat pun mati dlm keta sambil pegang wife dia..n kat luar keta tu penuh dgn org jepun yg pegang senapang n shoot them non-stop..sedey...

happy ending..ermm..its a sad ending coz all of them died except the girl yg dia suka tu n his husband.